Make A Gift

University Life fosters the memorable activities, leadership opportunities, and supportive communities that help students learn, grow, and reach their fullest potential. Support for University Life initiatives impact the life of every student through increased academic, personal, cultural, professional, and civil engagement. 

By making a gift to University Life, you are shaping the lives of students on campus and helping to maintain Penn’s vibrant community. 

I am incredibly fortunate to find myself in a community with so much encouragement and support, even in the most challenging of situations.

How to Give

The University's fiscal year is July 1 - June 30. Penn's Tax ID/EIN is 23-1352685.

We encourage you to use our secure online giving portal above to make a one-time gift, pledge payment, or extend your philanthropic commitment through a recurring gift or multi-year pledge.

To make gifts via postal mail, send a check to our secure PNC Bank processing center for prompt depositing and automatic imaging. Please include your name (and your spouse’s name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how to allocate your gift (ex. LGBT Center FUND NAME).

PNC Bank Mailing Addresses:

University of Pennsylvania
Office of the Treasurer
P.O. Box 71332
Philadelphia, PA  19176-9913

Overnight Courier UPS/FedEx/DHL Address:

c/o Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
Attn: Lockbox 824949
525 Fellowship Road
Suite 330
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054

Matching gifts can double or triple the size of a gift and serve as an important source of support. To confirm if you or your spouse/partner are affiliated with a company that matches charitable gifts, visit

Donors also may demonstrate their commitment by setting up a recurring gift charged by credit card on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Utilizing this method, donors may be able to increase their annual support by breaking up payments to equal a larger gift. To make a recurring gift, please visit our secure online giving page(s) above.

For additional information about Gift Planning options at Penn, explore

Questions? Contact Laurie McCaffrey to learn more.