With NSO preceptorials, a chance to be curious

Thursday, August 22, 2024

On Saturday, Aug. 24, first-year undergraduates have an opportunity to choose from dozens of topical seminars that range from an introduction to the Penn Band to a discussion at Perry World House about global citizenship. The preceptorials run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and are part of New Student Orientation, which spans Aug. 21-26.

“Preceptorials provide exposure to people that students might not otherwise get a chance to meet,” says David Fox, director of NSO. “The idea is to spend a couple hours doing something that might interest you.”

Preceptorials have been part of NSO for at least two decades, Fox says. They are led by a mix of faculty, staff, and student groups who volunteer their time. He emphasizes that it’s sometimes an opportunity for students to interact with a faculty member for the first time in an extended manner. Some students, Fox says, will use the opportunity to continue thinking about how to map out their academic careers and hear from others who’ve been in their shoes.

Ann Kuttner, an associate professor of history of art in the School of Arts & Sciences, has been leading preceptorials since the 2010s, she says, and likes to use the time to show students the Penn Museum and ask them to think more critically about public space—particularly landscape architecture. This year, she’ll lead From Rome to Philadelphia at the Penn Museum, an approximately 90-minute preceptorial that highlights artifacts from the Penn Museum’s courtyard like the famous Roman Wanamaker bronzes. Students will also have a chance to explore the Mediterranean Galleries, and Kuttner will discuss the Roman concept of bringing culture to the masses and their ancient regard for public parks. 

The Borghese Satyr, a Wanamaker bronze located at the main entrance of the Penn Museum in the Warden Garden. (Image: Tom Stanley)

For many students, she says, it’s a first chance to reevaluate a museum space as “a place they’d go for pleasure and not just for duty.”

“I think these preceptorials are important, and one of the gorgeous things is it’s a very eccentric program,” Kuttner says. “It’s literally what faculty [and others] come up with. Maybe it happens once and never again, or maybe it comes back around … and then they have the chance to spend some time with a professor who is convinced they are a worthwhile and interesting person.”

It is, she says, a space for students to be curious, to ask questions, and—for faculty—an opportunity to create an idea-generating jump-off point. “I think ideally that’s what a preceptorial also does,” she says.

Malik Muhammad, meanwhile, is director of inclusion initiatives and social justice education at University Life and uses his preceptorial as a welcoming space to talk about belonging. We Belong: Fostering Authenticity at Penn and Beyond will be a 75-minute facilitated discussion for students who want to learn more about how to be their authentic selves on campus. They’ll also learn about Penn’s many cultural resources that are available—including himself. 

“It’s all about embracing the full essence of who you are in a tough campus culture like Penn, being able to be your authentic self,” says Malik. “We’ll be talking about barriers to authenticity, opportunities around authenticity, sharing campus resources that are supporting various identities, and then also creating that level of confidence folks can have as they navigate their first-year experience.”

Part of that effort, he says, is to “mitigate that essence of imposter syndrome” as students begin their time at Penn.   

Historically, says Jonathan Zimmerman, a professor of history of education in the Graduate School of Education, who referenced the work of Christopher Loss of Vanderbilt, preceptorials began as a larger effort in the 1920s to orient new students who were only just beginning to learn about what universities are. The boom decade meant that white men and some women, post-suffrage, were entering the university system in larger numbers. Because of this influx, universities realized the need to either acclimate students or risk losing them.  

“What does it mean to have a roommate? What’s my meal plan going to look like? What should I major in? All these things,” says Zimmerman. “And this is the beginning of what we call ‘student life,’ of the whole advising system, and yes, it’s the beginning of the creation of a mental health system.” 

Universities, he says, assumed a new responsibility of attending to students’ “well-being and psyches.” Much of universities’ administrative roles, including programs like New Student Orientation, have evolved from this seedling era.

In one fall 2023 preceptorial, students learned how to build a race car. (Image: Courtesy of New Student Orientation)

For this year’s preceptorials, adds Fox, he further asks that students take part in a walking tour on Sunday. Those take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Aug. 25.

“We don’t label them as preceptorials, but in a way they are a variation,” he says. 

They cover downtown neighborhoods like Chinatown and Rittenhouse Square, and he hopes first-years will take time to explore West Philadelphia and all it has to offer. 

Powwow at Penn

Friday, March 29, 2024

A powwow begins with drums, as the cascading voices of musicians call dancers in for the Grand Entry, the first moment when they are called into the sacred arena. At Penn’s 13th annual Powwow, which also marked the 40th anniversary of the Greenfield Intercultural Center and the 30th anniversary of Natives at Penn, an Indigenous student organization formerly called Six Directions, Brian Weeden, chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe, and his wife, Keturah Peters, a School of Nursing alumnus who is also Mashpee Wampanoag, led the group as head dancers.

Penn’s Powwow emphasizes diversity while honoring the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape tribe. At the 2024 ceremony, Natives at Penn honored two Lenape elders, Lewis “Gray Squirrel” Pierce and Ann “Wolf Spirit Woman” Dapice. “It is always important to understand that Native communities exist here,” says Valerie De Cruz, who has served as director of the Greenfield Intercultural Center since 1997. “They are not just part of history. They occupy land here; they exist here in our community.”

When a stranger walks on new ground, it is tradition to seek out their hosts, De Cruz says. “You want them to know that you understand this is their territory and that you understand that you are a guest.”

Powwow at Penn
An intertribal dance at Penn’s 13th annual Powwow, with the Yoontay Singers in the foreground. The singers, five of whom were present at Penn’s Powwow, sat in a circle around the drum, which is made from the skin of a large ungulate (deer, moose, and buffalo are common) stretched across a wooden frame. “We call our drum grandfather,” says Atsa Zah of the Yoontay Singers. “We believe there is a spirit inside.”

For Ryly Ziese, a third-year at the Wharton School from Cookson, Oklahoma, this is important. Ziese, who is Cherokee Nation, is on the Natives at Penn board as treasurer and helped to organize the Powwow. “Yes, we are Natives at Penn,” she says, “but it’s important to ask the people whose land we are on.”

Through her involvement, Ziese was able to meet people from different tribes. “Coming to Penn, I had very set mind of what a Native person was, just because I grew up around the same type of people,” she says. 

“It’s been very eye-opening,” Ziese says. “I’ve enjoyed learning about all the different cultures that either blend with mine, or maybe sometimes contradict what we believe.”

“Our goal is really to support Native, Indigenous, and First Nations students,” De Cruz says. “We center students in exploring what it is they want to do on campus, in terms of building their leadership, raising awareness, and increasing understanding of Native traditions.”

Powwow at Penn
An intertribal dance. In the background, a young man wears regalia made from birds of prey.

According to Natives at Penn, more than 20 tribes, nations, and peoples are represented by Penn faculty, students, and staff. Now a registered nurse in Mashpee, Peters says that Natives at Penn helped her adjust to University life. 

Wearing a fringed buckskin skirt and carrying a blanket, Peters led the first women’s intertribal dance. The women traveled clockwise in a circle, following the path of the sun. 

Traditionally, both feet remain on the ground during powwow dancing, said the event’s emcee, Keith Colston of the Tuscarora and Lumbee tribes. Dancers took small steps forward, moving forward with the balls of their feet with heels elevated and knees bent, following the beat of the drum. 

With more than 100 people in attendance from Penn and beyond, Colson guided the audience through the Powwow, offering education and protocols. Certain dances and ceremonies are for specific groups only, he said. In the women’s fancy exhibition, twirling dancers in long, fringed shawls made 360° turns in place; in the jingle dance, a newer dance from the early 20th century, women wore bugle-shaped ornaments, tobacco tin lids rolled into cones and sewn to their skirts, which clinked as the dancers moved. The men’s traditional dance is for warriors, Colson said. These dancers wear regalia made from birds of prey and cowbells tied around the ankles.